
mercoledì 23 febbraio 2022

Doppio appuntamento al DAM con il giornalista de La Repubblica Giuseppe Smorto non è un webmagazine come gli altri. E’ una testata giornalistica, è l’house organ dell’Associazione Entropia APS, è uno spazio di sperimentazione e formazione. Non insegue le notizie, non vive l’ansia da pubblicazione, non copia e incolla. Tiene l’occhio e l’orecchio ben saldati sul territorio, cercando di raccontare fatti che altri non raccontano, cambiando il punto di vista, pensando al suo pubblico, aggiornandosi sempre.

Il 10 marzo la redazione avrà il piacere di ospitare Giuseppe Smorto, giornalista de La Repubblica per un laboratorio di “Giornalismo Digitale”. Il laboratorio è a numero chiuso ed è rivolto principalmente a quanti collaborano o hanno già collaborato con il giornale o con la radio dell’associazione. La redazione ha deciso però di aprire il Laboratorio anche agli esterni, compatibilmente con la disponibilità dei posti. Gli interessati sono invitati a scrivere una mail all’indirizzo 

Sarà aperta a tutti invece la presentazione del libro “A Sud del Sud. Viaggio dentro la Calabria tra i diavoli e i resistenti” (Zolfo Editore), scritto dallo stesso giornalista, che si terrà a seguire sempre al DAM, con la partecipazione di con Giulio Vita de La Guarimba  e Daniela Ielasi, presidente di Entropia e direttrice responsabile del giornale.

domenica 20 febbraio 2022

No Borders Citizens, Iratxe: "I am grateful for the opportunity I had, I will always remember the people I have met"

I’ve always wanted to volunteer abroad, but it’s not always easy to find projects. That’s when I discovered the existence of the European Solidarity Corps, one of the easiest and best ways for youngsters to participate in a volunteering project in Europe.  After several months of looking for projects, I found the project that best fitted what I wanted to do: social and cultural integration of asylum seekers, refugees and international students in the Entropia association, at the University of Calabria, Italy. 

Going alone to a new country where you don’t know anyone it’s not easy, but the people who work at the association and the volunteers made everything very easy. I felt welcomed and comfortable from the very first minute and Rende became my home really fast. 

The first months were different from what I expected because due to covid restrictions we were not able to do many of the planned activities. However, we learned a lot of things about the ESC, we learned how a radio programme worked and we collaborated helping in the social room, we started Italian classes and we had the opportunity to meet people thanks to the language exchanges (tandem), which were essential for the improvement in the learning of the language. In addition, I had the opportunity to record a podcast with my project partner about the international protection system and the recognition process in Italy, Spain and Germany.

When we arrived in February, they were running the project "Solidarity Tour", written and coordinated by volunteers from the association in which they organised activities with the asylum seekers and refugees of the reception centre. This was definitely one of my favourite parts of my work in the association. Having the opportunity to work with refugees and asylum seekers and to help make their stay in Italy more pleasant and easier was very gratifying. 

As the pandemic situation was improving and the restrictions were disappearing, we were able to reopen the association to students and start organising activities: babel tea, karaoke, movie nights, public viewings, jam sessions, Italian courses for refugees and international students, etc. In addition to organising and participating in the association's activities, we took care of its promotion by designing flyers with Illustrator and writing posts on social media. 

The project had a duration of 6 months, but the experience was so good and so enriching that we asked to stay for the second part of the project, as due to covid restrictions we had not been able to carry out some of the activities that were part of our project. In the end I was able to enjoy being there for 10 months and it was the best decision. 

In the second part of the project, we continued with the daily activities of the association such as the front office and promotion and organisation of activities. We started the preparation of the two projects that were going to take place in September. The first one was a youth exchange on radio in which I took part as a participant. The second was a short-term ESC project on the preparation of a multicultural festival, in which I helped with the selection of candidates, organisation of activities, implementation of the festival and its subsequent evaluation. 

One of the biggest challenges for me was being the speaker for the NoBorders Radio broadcast. Even though I had been learning Italian for several months, I wasn't fluent enough to do a radio show. I am grateful for the opportunity I had. I learned a lot about radio and it helped me to overcome my fears about public speaking, as well as helping me to improve my Italian.

But not everything was about working, we were in Calabria and we had to take advantage of that opportunity. As the good weather arrived and the restrictions disappeared, we were able to start travelling around the region. Calabria is not a known place, but it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to and the people have always been friendly and helpful to us. 

All in all, thanks to this experience I had the opportunity to learn things that I wouldn't have been able to learn otherwise: running a radio broadcast, picture and video editing tools, social media promotion, youth work, activity organisation and implementation, etc. But of the whole experience, I will always remember the people I have met who have made my experience in Italy unforgettable.

Iratxe De Huerta Gozalo - European Solidarity Corps Volunteer

venerdì 4 febbraio 2022

"ReconnActions", call for participants: unisciti a noi, aiutaci a riconnettere la nostra comunità!

ReconnActions è un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea attraverso il programma European Solidarity Corps, e si rivolge ai giovani che vogliono impegnarsi attivamente per portare un cambiamento positivo nella propria comunità locale.

La pandemia causata dal Covid-19 ha messo a dura prova l’esperienza universitaria e le dinamiche sociali che ruotano attorno ad essa, interessando in maniera trasversale tutti i giovani. Il progetto mira a riconnettere i legami tra i giovani e la comunità locale, creando spazi di condivisione in cui realizzare momenti di socialità ed inclusione.  

Il ruolo dei volontari sarà fondamentale per il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo, poiché saranno proprio loro ad occuparsi della promozione, gestione e sviluppo delle attività: nel percorso saranno comunque guidati, stimolati e sostenuti da coach di comprovata esperienza. Le competenze acquisite dai volontari alla fine del progetto verranno attestate attraverso una certificazione europea (Youthpass).

Le attività si svolgeranno nei mesi di marzo, aprile e maggio e non prevedono un impegno quotidiano. Se sei alla ricerca di una nuova avventura stimolante e formativa, da intraprendere insieme agli altri, candidati subito compilando il Google Form QUI.