International Carnival is back organized by “Associazione Culturale Entropia” at Università della Calabria. As done last year, within the project “Servizio Civile Universale” titled “Studenti senza Frontiere 2”, and with the help of the four volunteers in service, the association organized two intercultural appointments.
Tuesday February 18, from 5.00pm, italian and international students are invited to participate in the Carnival Mask Lab coordinated by the artist Christian Cosentino. The masks and carnival costumes can be worn at the Carnival party held on Thursday February 20, starting at 21:30 at DAM.
How do you make a mask? How and why do we use masks? What does Carnival represent? The answer to all these questions can be really different in an international environment, in which different cultures and traditions coexist. The mask is a universal symbolic element, present in all cultures with different meanings. Frequently it’s associated with cults, but it is also a way of changing one’s identity, to transform into something else or even to represent one’s true identity.It’s even a symbol of power, from the old traditions until the recent comic books culture.
The masks, provided by the association, can be decorated with drawings, ink, colors and any other material: prioritizing, of course, recycled materials, that all the participants are welcome to bring and help gathering (colored plastic, old accessories, pieces of fabric, etc) and setting free creativity, the masks take form, under the supervision of Christian Cosentino. During the creative lab, the participants will be offered “chiacchiere”, a typical sweet of the italian carnival culture, made by the volunteers.
The aim of the “No Borders Students 2" project is to stimulate socializing between Italian and international students at Unical and to create a more inclusive and participatory community on the campus, valorizing the cultures and traditions of the various countries of origin. A creative and practical laboratory, where everyone sits around a table and gets involved. It is a festive expedient to build a true multicultural community.